Corporate statement and values

In 2007 Martindales used its entire workforce to develop a set of brand values for the company.

For many years now Martindales has been at the forefront of repair and manufacturing technology. However we recognised some time ago that how we interact and communicate with policyholders is just as important as the work we undertake.

The following values now form the foundation for the business and underpin everything that we do as a company:

Brand values

Respect - We will at all times consider people and their property.

Passionate - We will aim to stand out from the rest and be the best at what we do ensuring we produce quality work and have the highest standards.

Professional - We will maintain a positive manner, attitude and image in all that we do.

Reliable - We will endeavor to always deliver on our promises.

People focused - We will treat everyone as an individual and in a way in which we would like to be treated ourselves.

Positioning statement

So what does “Makes it right” actually mean?

No matter what we do, whether we manufacture, repair or replace, we make it right.

No matter where we are, whether we operate from customer’s houses or any of our sites across the country, we make it right.

No matter who it is for, whether working for a policyholder, with a colleague or for an insurance company, we make it right.

That’s what we mean when we say MARTINDALES Makes it right.

“Makes it right” is more than just words though.

It is our commitment to quality.

It is our attitude towards challenges.

It is the standard we set ourselves.

Now and in the future.